a reflex based game balance

Rebalanced this game. 

This game is about moving your mouse  to make the character make . click down and spaz enthusiastically to move forward(spend energy here) or realease and hover over falling apples precisely to regain energy (energy goes out is a game over). 
the difficulty was randomness. pure rng. every rng(0.5-14.5) seconds them apples fall. the game starts out with the player not having much energy since the player character had to party last night and starts out hung over. if the players moves atleast a little bit and got cursed by the rng devil with long time till apples fell, they lost. so that was one solid problem to me, it needed fixing immidiately. and I asked myself "Why didn't i check for this before asking people to test?"
The other thing was making players really cautious, always have energy in reserve to survive a long wait. and it was possible to go a mile before losing the mental fortitude to continue. It hurt me to watch somebody do that, it took almost an hour of really careful gameplay.
 so it's impossible anymore. I want players to move forward as fast as possible and hopefully catch enough apples to survive another Time Till Apples Fall. 
changes that I've made:

  • * the apples fall a static time after the game start to establish a ritual - "the game has started".
  • Tamed the RNG to have less of a swing.
  • everytime the apples fall the time of wait gets longer. every player will lose eventually and blame it on the game instead of just pure lack of willpower to keep doing the same couple repettetive tasks. the TimeTillApplesFall is equal to TimesApplesFellAlready +RNG(1-5) 
  • increased the amount of apples falling thrice

tl;dr added a difficulty curve


rebalance postjam.zip Play in browser
May 11, 2020

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